When everything changes simultaneously,it makes it hard to know
where to start untangling our experiences and making sense of it all.
What resonates for you?
Be brave – selecting a topic doesn’t mean this defines you or your mothering experiences.
The topics below are commonly reported by mothers.
So… what are you keen to learn more about, alcehmize or prepare for?
It’s only when we begin exploring our experiences through the individual lens of Matrescence AND the social lens of Motherhood that we can begin to make sense of it all. Once your curiosity about motherhood and matrescence has been ignited – there’s no turning back. And, you probably won’t want to.
Pregnancy, birth and feeding can have an enduring physical, emotional, social and psychological impact. How would you describe your pregnancy, birthing and feeding experiences? Were you supported adequately? How did you feel about your body during pregnancy, birth and feeding? How do you feel about your body now?
A woman’s career trajectory is altered by motherhood. The judgements women face about their mothering and work choices are often a potent source of stress. How does your current situation feel for you?
How do you feel about yourself as a woman and a mother? Are you the mother you thought you’d be? What parts of your BC life do you want to hold onto/let go of? Are childhood wounds resurfacing? Is it time to honour who you have been and who you are becoming? Are you ready to explore matrescence and reimagine your personal goals and your motherhood legacy?
The invisible load includes the unequal and gendered distribution of; housework, mental, logistical and emotional loads of the family. What are you carrying? Does the load of your partner feel equitable? What expectations are you facing? How does this make you feel about yourself as a woman and a mother?
Exhaustion, depletion, boredom and sensory overload are all real ‘side effects’ of motherhood. Do you know your sensory profile and what triggers your sensory system? When was the last time you were alone? Do you know how to reset and restore with and without the company of your children?
Mothers are expected to feel happy. Developing emotional literacy allows us to articulate the huge suite of emotions we feel. What emotions do you feel each day? How did you expect to feel as a mother? Are your expectations of motherhood different to your experiences? Is joy and gratitude accompanied by anger, guilt sadness or anxiousness?
It’s said that guilt is synonymous with motherhood. Do you go to bed feeling good about yourself and your parenting? Do you feel like you should know more, be more, and do more?
Many women are surprised and scared by how often the emotion of anger arises once they become a mother. Anger is often followed by feelings of guilt, shame, tears and promises to ‘do better’. Although talking about anger might feel taboo, anger can be alchemy. Do you want to know how?
Parenting significantly changes romantic relationships. Are your parenting, communication, social, sexual and emotional needs aligning? Or are they causing a rift? Do you feel like you’ve lost yourself as well as each other?
Becoming a mother expands and contracts our sense of belonging and community. Often, we feel lonely even though we’re rarely alone. Has bonding with your child been harder than expected? How do you feel about socialising with/out your child? When was the last time you felt like yourself? Where do you fit now?
Becoming a mother changes how we see the world. It changes how we show up in our family and our community. What values have been evoked for you as a mother? How do you want to be remembered?