Postpartum Parenting

Motherhood & Matrescence

This series reveals why becoming a mother radically changes who we are.  We explore identity across the lifespan and how motherhood and matrescence have shaped who you are.

We unpack the expectations placed on mothers and how they shape our life and mothering practices. After peeling back the layers we utilise Matrescence as an opportunity for powerful personal growth and cultivating the motherhood legacy you want to create. 


Have you ever wondered why guilt is synonymous with motherhood?

This workshop sheds light on the common occurrence of guilt and shame experienced by mothers. It delves into the effects of guilt on a mother’s overall well-being. 

Most importantly, it offers a new perspective on our relationship with guilt, showing how we can harness this emotion for the betterment of both our children and ourselves. If you want a fresh perspective on ‘mother guilt’ and how to navigate it – this is the workshop for you!

motherhood - guilt workshop
Body Image Workshop

Body Image

Women have a deep psychological connection with their body. What happens to our body, and how we experience pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding can impact our sense of confidence and competence as a woman and as a mother.

This workshop honours the body and reveals why motherhood and matrescence are perfect opportunities for redefining the way we perceive our body and it’s abilities.



Anger is a common aspect of motherhood. And yet, it’s always been taboo for mothers to feel anger, let alone express it. The idea that mothers should be grateful and loving every minute doesn’t consider the reality of motherhood or the full spectrum of human emotions.

In this workshop we’ll talk about the systems we mother within and how anger influences our parenting. Then the magic happens; we start to flip the script and transform our future relationship with anger.

If you’d prefer to do this work one-on-one or as a couple…

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