A couple’s relationship is central to the well-being of their family but...

No one ever tells you that parenthood tipped their relationship upside down or that they were unprepared for the reality of parenting. No one tells you that you’ll constantly learn new things about yourself and your partner, and no one tells you that you can lose yourself as well as each other in the mysterious world of parenthood.

This is your invitation to….

Renegotiate and rewrite the ‘rules’
Create your own version of liberated parenting

couples beginning their journey

For couples beginning their journey

Kudos to you for taking the time to prepare yourself and your relationship for this life altering experience. In addition to the individual transition each of you will go through as you enter parenthood, your relationship will also undergo significant changes.

In preparation, we’ll explore your expectations of parenthood as well as the expectations you have of yourself and each other. Together you’ll identify the strengths of your relationship, discover shared values and create rituals for connection with one another amidst the chaos.

For seasoned Parents

It can be hard to know where to start if you’re already in the jungle. Here are several themes that may emerge in your parenting partnership.

  • Expectations vs the reality of parenthood
  • Navigating work and family
  • Gendered parenting expectations
  • Exhaustion
  • The desire to be understood
  • Guilt, anger and resentment
  • Negotiating housework
  • Mental health
  • Expectations from others
  • Transitions – Who am I? Who are we?
  • A need for shared values and family goals
For seasoned Parents

This is some of the most valuable work you’ll do for yourself and your family.

You won’t regret it

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